Friday, March 5, 2010

A motivational poster....

First one I ever made. Saw the picture and could not resist!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A short Doctor Who story

"A brief momentary lapse in the otherwise perfectly normal operations"

The doors to the console room opened wide. The Doctor charged into the room with a flourish that swept the entire chamber. His scarf billowed slightly around him. His eyes were immediately drawn to what he saw on the floor before him. He frowned as he looked upon K9.
'K9! Was it necessary to make that pile in the middle of my console room?' he asked in dismay.
'Correction, Master. It is not in the middle. It is exactly sixty two degrees off of the starboard side of the time rotor.' The robot dog said.
'Well, even at sixty two degrees there is a strong likelihood that I'll step in it at one point!'
'Then I recommend caution while walking, Master.'
'My scarf could get tangled up in it!' the Doctor protested.
'Again, Master. I recommend caution!'
The Doctor leaned over and took a long look at what was on the floor in front of him, careful not to step on it. He licked his top teeth in concentration as he thought about what he was looking at. He squatted down to examine it more closely. His long curly locks shifted forward over his brow as he did. He ran his fingers through the front of them and shifted them back into place. 'It's a mess I tell you!' he said to his mechanical companion.
'A necessary one.' K9 replied, trying to get the Doctor to see things from his point of view.
'And just why do you need an auxiliary time rotor console anyway? I'm more than perfectly capable of flying the TARDIS on my own, thank you!'
'Acknowledged, Master, however there may be a time when you can not access the controls yourself. Having an auxiliary board that I can access will allow me to help in case of an emergency.' K9 explained.
The Doctor screwed his eyes together as he looked at it. He clicked his tongue in displeasure and stood up. 'Well, that sounds quite perfectly logical and all, however I would appreciate it if, in the future you would consult me first. I would have preferred you put it fifty seven degrees off of the starboard side!'
'That would not have been advantageous.'
'It most certainly would have been!' the Doctor snorted.
'What advantage would that have made, Master?' K9 asked.
'It would have been where I picked!' the Doctor said, as if it was all the explanation required.
K9's ears began to swivel. He tilted his head down in data access mode. 'Data accessed, Master. It would appear as though an apology is needed. It is therefore applied.'
'Thank you, K9. That's all I wanted.' The Doctor said. He turned to walk away and his scarf became entangled in the pile of components that made up K9's auxiliary board. He stumbled forward, trying to steady himself. He took a shaky, tentative step forward and his foot became entangled on the other end of his scarf. Being completely free of balance as he now was, he lunged forward and slammed, head first into the time rotor control panel.
At that point, three most important events quickly took place in rapid succession. The first was that the Doctor hit the floor unconscious. The second was the TARDIS was thrown off course and began to spiral quite uncontrollably in the time vortex. (The external evidence of this was a blue police box spinning like a child's top in the worm hole. The internal evidence was a bank of sparks and smoke erupting from the controls.) The third was K9 took action.
As the Doctor lay on the floor, K9 approached with him with caution. Satisfied that the Doctor would not be regenerating any time soon, he returned to his auxiliary console panel. At that point the doors opened once again and Leela rushed into the room. Her knife was drawn and held at the ready as she came charging in to see what was happening. 'What is going on in here?' she demanded as she accessed the situation.
'All is in control, Mistress.' K9 said calmly.
She looked at the Doctor heaped on the floor. 'This does not look like control, K9!' she snapped.
'Tend to the Doctor, Mistress. I will control the TARDIS.' K9said.
Leela crouched down and lifted the Doctor's head in her hands. She cradled him as she look upon the cacophony around her.
K9 tipped his head and extended his eye sensor into the auxiliary control panel. It connected with the input port and he began to download instructions into the panel. After a few more seconds which seemed to all conscious organic being to be hours, the TARDIS slowed down and regained course and speed. A cool burst of air and chemical washed over the compartment, putting out any sparks or fires that may have erupted during the chaos.
A second later and the Doctor began to groan. As his eyes started to flutter open and he slowly returned to the land of the conscious, Leela helped steady him and put him into a seated position.
'What happened?' he asked rubbing the newly formed lump on his forehead.
'K9 tried to kill you, Doctor.' Leela said.
'That is an incorrect assessment, Master. Your scarf became entangled on the auxiliary console panel and...'
The Doctor cut him off. 'And I tripped and fell.' He completed the thought. 'Isn't that exactly what I said would happen?' he asked.
'Affirmative!' K9 said.
'He set a trap for you!?!' Leela asked.
The Doctor waved the thought away. "No, no he would never do such a thing. It's just a simple matter of bad timing.' He paused a second and redirected his thought. "The entire course of the road is paved with good intentions, as they say.'
Leela furrowed her brow. 'What road? Who says?' she asked.
The Doctor began to stand up. Leela helped him to his feet. He leaned on the time rotor and looked down at the console on the floor. 'If that heap had not been on the floor then this whole accident would not have happened!' he said sternly.
'Affirmative, Master.' K9 agreed. 'However, if it had not been here, I would not have been able to correct the TARDIS and save yours and the Mistress' lives.'
The Doctor rubbed his head, the lump growing bigger as they spoke. 'It may be fuzzy, but there is logic in there somewhere.' He said.
K9 turned the control panel off and spun around. 'If you do not need me for anything else, I will take my leave now, Master.' He said.
The Doctor smiled a broad, toothy smile at him. 'Yes, very good, my friend. That will be all.'
K9 rolled off and left the console room.
Leela walked over and looked at the confusing lump of components and wires that made up the auxiliary control console. 'What are you going to do with this, Doctor?' she asked.
The Doctor considered it carefully. 'Step over it from now on." He said through a large grin. "Leela, do you like the Chinese opera?' he asked.
'I don't know what that is.' She admitted.
'Well, you'll love it, and I could use the diversion.' He said.
He swung his scarf back over his shoulder and began to set the new coordinates.

Welcome to the imaginings, panderings and general things that come to my mind, (If and when in fact they ever do!) By the picture above and the header of my post, the primary focus of this blog will be to promote our fan series Timelord, which can be found both on YouTube and DailyMotion. DailyMotion is the best as you can have an unlimited length video.

But in addition to that, I will post many random thoughts and or short stories, etc. that I like to come up with. Not everything will be Doctor Who related, but right now, that seems to be my favorite form of general relaxation!